The confined solution for GREGOIRE tool holders

GREGOIRE ECOPROTECT L3 can treat three full rows. It represents a productive and eco-responsible alternative for winegrowers and contractors concerned with performance and efficiency. GREGOIRE ECOPROTECT L3 features a compact, ergonomic 2500L monoblock chassis-tank assembly. Effective tank mixing is ensured by a hydroinjector. Tank cleaning is simple, aided by an integrated rinsing gyro.

The product to be sprayed follows a circuit carefully designed and optimized by our developers. The product is deposited in an incorporator screen, then passed through a low-pressure filter. It is then circulated by a 4-piston diaphragm pump of sufficient capacity to ensure optimal filling of the circuit and efficient mixing. The water then passes through a high-pressure filter to the regulation and distribution manifold. Regulation and distribution commands are controlled by DPAE, directly in the cab, for automatic management of product supply.

The unique principle of flexible, unbreakable inflatable boxes, combined with face-by-face pneumatic spraying technology, ensures optimum application and containment. The product, perfectly micronized, is blocked by an air curtain. Excess spray liquid is recovered by a simple, effective spray mist collection and filtration system. Designed for dose reduction, it increases spray concentration by 50%.



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