SPEEDFLOW sprayers comprise a lightweight tubular chassis which is both simple and robust. The axles, which are positioned centrally and can be adjusted to the tractor's track width, offer excellent load distribution. The articulated drawbar, fitted on a bearing, improves handling. The SPEEDFLOW PROGRESS is equipped with a smooth polyethylene tank to prevent damage to the vines. The rinsing tank and the hand wash reservoir are integrated into the main tank. This range is available with a choice of tank capacities to satisfy your requirements.
The spray product follows a circuit carefully designed and optimised by our developers. You add the product to a mixer screen which is then fed through a low pressure filter. It is circulated by a four-piston diaphragm pump with a sufficient capacity to ensure optimum priming of the circuit and efficient mixing. It is then conveyed to the regulation and distribution rail via a high pressure filter. The regulation and distribution controls vary according to the model: DPAE flow regulator for automatic management of the product amount, or manual regulation.
For row widths from 1.50 to 3m, the Speedflow Progress, a pneumatic "face by face" rail with 2 or 3 complete rows, is equipped with the FLEXIspray system: lightweight, flexible and unbreakable boom sprayers, inflated by air distributed uniformly by a polyethylene volute with 6 outlets and expelled by a turbine 520mm in diameter, which renders them rigid and positions them vertically within the row. The DynaDiff diffuser nozzles increase the air speed, ensuring the product is perfectly distributed, droplet formation is optimised, and the spraying quality is excellent.

FLEXYSPRAY is a boom sprayer exclusive to GREGOIRE. Flexible, it is inflated by the air expelled by the turbine, which makes it rigid and vertical inside the row. It moves when it encounters an impact, returning to its original shape, thereby limiting breakage. Its low weight reduces the strain on the boom.

Rotative diffusers, 360° product spectrum orientation. Increasing the air speed, DYNAdiff 3D gives better distribution of the product and perfect droplet formation, providing significant agitation of the plant canopy to ensure optimum penetration of the product, with limited drift.

EASYselect is a centralisation device for the valves supplying your sprayer. It controls the external mixer, the rinsing nozzle, the stainless container rinsing screen, the cleaning lance and hydro-injectors to simplify cleaning of your equipment.

SPEEDFLOW groups together all of GREGOIRE's pneumatic sprayers. This spraying principle is recognised for its precision and efficiency, whilst limiting drift of the product. GREGOIRE has 6 different booms available in this range, to ensure there is one perfect for every vineyard.

Homologation Routiére
All sprayers in the GREGOIRE range have been approved since 2011. This relates to all trailed models with a GVW of over 1500 Kg. In force since 1st January 2013, this French regulation stipulates that an application must be made to the DREAL to obtain the registration certificate.
Fiche technique
Frame and Tank |
Rotation moulded tanks
Integrated rinsing tank and hand wash reservoir
Rinsing nozzle available as an option
Storage box, mixer available as an option
Towed version, 600l, 800l, 1000l, 1500l or 2000l
Mechanically welded chassis
Articulated coupling with removable jockey wheel
Bogie wheels available as an option
Indicators for road use
Pump, regulation and controls |
4 piston diaphragm pump (105l/min at 50 bar).
Pressure maintained by the air chamber.
50 hp cardan shaft, constant-velocity joint on machine side
Pump with 4 quarter turn valves
Triple filtration: filling screen, 365 µm pick-up filter and bronze high pressure filter.
Agitation by hydro-injector.
EASYselect: Centralisation of the valves
Product recirculation valve for rinsing the rail
Electric pressure regulator.
Pressure display on digital dial
1 main cut-out switch
2 partial cut-out switches
1 pressure regulation switch.
DPAE available as an option
Spraying device |
Enclosed double turbine, 520mm in diameter
Disconnectable turbine with centrifugal clutch
Turbine volute with 6 x 100mm outlets
1 speed multiplier gearbox with neutral
Independent manual spacing, 2 x 1000mm
Spacing indicator
Hydraulic arm folding (90° forwards)
Independent manual tilt using screw tensioners
Hinge aft safety device on external assemblies.
Height adjustable by handle, 350mm
Flexible PU sheaths, 100mm in diameter
R2: Rail with 2 complete rows for vines from 1.80m to 3.00m.
On R2, 4 FLEXIspray flexible boom sprayers
R3: Rail with 3 complete rows for vines from 1.50m to 3.00m.
On R3, 6 FLEXIspray flexible boom sprayers

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