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    5ème Matinée de l'Alternance

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    GREGOIRE, more than 1000 fans on FACEBOOK !

    A big thank you to all our fans who have allowed us to reach 1000 followers.

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    GRÉGOIRE pneumatic catching paddle train system

    GRÉGOIRE presents a new seal system, present on the entire range of its grape harvesting machines (GRÉGOIRE patent).

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    A turning circle of 3.60 m with the compact steering of the G7.200

    This record-setting turning circle allows the new GRÉGOIRE G7.200 to offer unparalleled manoeuvrability.

    The steering system is inspired by that of the GRÉGOIRE G4 (high clearance tractors for narrow vineyards).

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    GRÉGOIRE among the award recipients at the OENOVIDEO-PRO 2015 film festival


    In late October, the OENOVIDEO-PRO 2015 film festival selection committee met to view and evaluate the films submitted to the competition. The Committee awarded the Initiative Entreprise special mention to the film "24h de vendange GRÉGOIRE (24 hours of Grégoire grape harvesting)".The awards ceremony will take place during the next SITEVI exhibition in Montpellier. The film describes the achievement of the harvesting record during the 2014 grape harvest.